We're excited to announce that we have partnered with PANDAS Foundation to curate a collection of clothing to support the charity’s amazing work. The collaboration range, which includes our maternity and breastfeeding nightwear, leggings and jumpers, have been designed with bespoke PANDAS tags. With each item, our customers will be sent information leaflets about accessing the charity’s vital support services for new and expectant mums.



For each item in the range you purchase, we’ll donate £1 directly to PANDAS Foundation. Along with donating to the charity, we will also be using our instagram platform to share the experiences of mums who have experienced mental health issues and are working with mental health professionals on our content.


Our founder Tanya Patel and her team all recognise and have lived through the real challenges of motherhood and know that having a support network of mums around you is key. Whether it’s transitioning from the corporate world to the newborn world or dealing with the exhaustion and loneliness of round the clock feeding, we want to open up a dialogue around the realities of motherhood.  Our mama journal already tackles a range of topics relating to motherhood, such as IVF, having a premature baby and breastfeeding with an ileostomy bag- and we can’t wait to keep expanding this!

Through speaking to our customers, we realised that so many mums and mums-to-be are dealing with mental health issues. We’ve always wanted mums to feel empowered and confident in our clothes and now we want to work with a charity who can help them feel this way with their mental health too and provide support for mums who need it. PANDAS Foundation is an amazing charity which is very close to our hearts and we are also thrilled to work with them to support all new mums throughout their pregnancy and post pregnancy.
